Pesticides and grasscycling

Pesticides and grasscycling


Senneville’s by-law number 429 prohibits the use of all pesticides including insecticides on its territory. Please remember to notify your lawn care professionals of this by-law upon renewal of your contract in the spring. Exempted from this regulation under certain conditions are agricultural and/or horticultural properties and greens and teeing off areas of golf courses.

There are now many environmentally-friendly products available on the market. Please dispose of your old stock of pesticides at the next toxic waste collection.

Health is everyone’s business. So, for your sake, especially the children’s and the animals’, please respect this by-law.

Should you want to know more, please click this link By-law no. 429.


Great News! You no longer need to pick up the grass clippings after you have mowed the lawn, you can now grasscycle! In order to grasscycle, all you need to do is to leave your grass clippings on your lawn which in turn will work as a natural fertilizer that will feed your lawn by providing it with water and important nutrients.

Please consult the following document for additional information: RECYC-QUÉBEC