We would like to inform you that a team from Montreal will be visiting Senneville over the next few weeks as part of a project to document buildings constructed before 1940. This project is part of the Quebec Government’s decision to develop a protection tool that aims to better know, protect and transmit the real estate heritage.
The team members will be clearly identifiable, and their sole mission will be to take exterior photographs of buildings, while respecting privacy and current regulations. Access to your property may be required in some cases, but under no circumstances will it be necessary to enter the buildings.
Citizens concerned by this inventory will receive a personalized communication.
The Cultural Heritage Act was amended in 2021, henceforth requiring regional county municipalities (RCMs) and agglomerations to adopt and periodically update an inventory of buildings built before 1940 that have heritage value. On the island of Montreal, this inventory represents more than 80,000 buildings and the mandate was given to the City of Montreal to carry it out.
Inventory will be deployed in all the boroughs and related cities of Montreal Agglomeration between 2023 and 2026.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Information – Montreal website
NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED APRIL 12, 2024: https://mailchi.mp/b483fd6dac6e/infolettre-newsletter-2023-07-6722871