There are two tennis courts in Senneville Park (20 Morningside Avenue). The tennis courts are open to all residents.

Additional information concerning the programs and classes can be found on the website in the Tennis section as well as in our Recreation and Culture program distributed in spring time for this sport.
Also, John Abbott College offers the rental of squash and racquetball courts at a modest fee.

You will find a basketball court in Senneville Park (20 Morningside Avenue) as well as in the Michel-Legault Park (35 Phillips Avenue).
The basketball courts are open to all residents.
There is a beach volleyball area in Senneville Park (20 Morningside Avenue) as well as in Michel-Legault Park (35 Phillips Avenue).
The volleyball areas are open to all residents.
There is a soccer field in Senneville Park (20 Morningside Avenue) as well as in Michel-Legault Park (35 Phillips Avenue).
The soccer fields are open to all residents.