
Process for Awarding Contracts

The Cities and Towns Act establishes the legal framework governing the awarding of contracts by municipalities. In general, the allocation procedures differ depending on whether it is:

  • a public tender for a contract involving an expenditure of $100,000 or more;
  • a call for tenders by invitation for a contract involving an expenditure of at least $25,000 and less than $100,000;
  • to award a contract by mutual agreement involving an expenditure of less than $ 25 000.

Contractual Management By-Law

The purpose of this by-law is to regulate the process of awarding contracts to the municipality, so as to ensure equal opportunity for the various bidders, excluding any notion of favoritism, unfair advantage, collusion and embezzlement.

Lobbying Activities – A bidder or contractor must also comply with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (RSQ, c. T-11.011), in its communications with the Authority or its agents.http://legisquebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/ShowDoc/cs/T-11.011

List of contracts

To consult the list of contracts awarded by the Village of Senneville on the SEAO website.

Pursuant to the requirements of LCV 477.6, the following is a list of all contracts involving an expenditure of more than $ 2,000 with the same party when all of these contracts involve a total expenditure of more than $ 25,000: Liste de tous les contrats comportant une dépense de plus de 2 000 $ (French version only)

Call for tenders

The municipality publishes its calls for tenders on the SEAO website and the Constructo paper depending on the estimate and nature of the contract.

Bylaw concerning the delegation of powers to officers and employees of the municipality, the budgetary controls and monitoring.

Procedure for receiving and considering complaints under contract award

File a complaint under a public contract