Recycling collection

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Recycling collection

Sooner or later, landfill sites will reach their full capacity and will no longer be willing to accept recyclable materials due to lack of space. The recovery of residual materials contributes fully to the protection of the environment and the preservation of our resources. To recycle better, we need to recycle each material in the right way so that it can be reintroduced into the production cycle.

Collection Day

The recyclable materials take place once a week on Mondays starting at 7:00 am.

General Instructions

This is a mechanized collection and in order to ensure that your bin is picked up, it is IMPORTANT to follow the following rules of use:

  • The blue bin should be placed at the end of the driveway with the wheels facing the house and the cover should be closed but unlocked;
  • No items placed next to the bin will be picked up and the cover must be closed;
  • The bin should be placed at the curb only after 6:00 pm the evening before the collection or before 7:00 am at the latest the day of the collection.
Where should bins be set out?

The municipality would like to point out that it is very important, on recycling collection days, to place your wheeled bins on your property (not placed in the street) to facilitate snow removal and eliminate the risk of breakage. Waste collection bins must be positioned on your property in the driveway entrance, without however encroaching on the public road.

IMPORTANT: When left on the streets or on the sidewalk, the garbage, recycling and organic bins interfere with snow removal operations and branch pick up. To avoid slowing down these operations, it is important to place the bins inside the edge of your property.

Who owns the bin?

The bins are the property of the Village of Senneville. Each bin has a serial number associated to an address. When moving, it must remain at the address where it was delivered.

How do I get a new bin?

Submit a request via our interactive platform:

Choose the category: AUTRES

**Please specify which bin you would like (Garbage, recycling, compost).

My bin is broken. What can I do about it?

Submit a request via our interactive platform:


**Please specify what is broken on your bin (lid, latch, wheels, bin body…), the location of the broken bin and the bin’s serial number.

My bin has not been emptied. What can I do?

Submit a request via our interactive platform:


**Please indicate the time and date you placed your bin at the curb.

What size bins are accepted for recycling collection?

The size of the wheeled bins for household garbage collection is 360 liters. Recyclable materials placed in any other bin not bearing the Village of Senneville logo will not be picked up.

How to maintain the bin?

Rinse your tub with a mild detergent, baking soda or a solution of white vinegar and water.

What materials are accepted in the recycling bin? (in French only)