Certificate and permit request

Home Urbanism and environment Certificate and permit request

Permit and certificate of authorization request

Please refer to the information below to find out about the procedure for obtaining a permit, the documentation required and the different types of permit. Some applications can be submitted directly online.

  • For general information or to discuss your current application, please contact the Urban Planning, Environment, Permits and Inspections Department by e-mail at info-urbanisme@senneville.ca or by telephone at 514-457-6020.
  • For CCU (Planning advisory committee) meeting dates and deadlines for submission of complete applications, please click here.

Consult the urban planning bylaws

Online permit request

For your application to be processed, it must be compliant and duly completed, and include all required documents (including metric-scale plans).

Felling of a tree


Solar collector


Low wall – Retaining wall


Pool and fence

Hot tub – Removable pool

Site planning and architectural integration program

In this simplified SPAIP guide, you will find information related to the undertaking of a project subject to the SPAIP by-law, notably the objective of the by-law, the sectors and works covered by it, the procedure to follow as well as, the required documentation.

For other requests

For your application to be processed, it must be compliant and duly completed, and include all required documents (including metric-scale plans).

To submit a permit request, you can send it by email or you may pass by the Town Hall by having made an appointment in advance at 514 457-6020.

This section presents the main application forms to download when applying for a permit or certificate of authorization.

Main Building
Main building: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Senneville-sur-le-parc: constructionPermitApplication form

Summary of the plans and documents required
Guide to architectural principles
By-law on site planning and architectural integration (SPAIP)
Main building: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Accessory Building
Shed: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Shed: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Detached garage: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Detached garage: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Domestic Greenhouse: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Domestic Greenhouse: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Gazebo and pergola: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Gazebo and pergola: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Building designed for storage: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Building designed for storage: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Building designed for agricultural activities: construction, reconstruction or extensionPermitApplication form
Building designed for agricultural activities: renovation, displacement or demolitionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Tree Cutting
Tree CuttingPermitApplication form
Financial assistance for the replacement of a treeRequestApplication form 

Bylaw 485

Bylaw 485-1

Recommended tree guide
Accessory Construction and Land
Sidewalk and walkway: construction, replacement or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Veranda: construction, replacement or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Miscellaneous equipment (heathing, cooling and ventilation equipment, heat pump, reservoir, etc): Installation or replacementCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Balcony, Deck, Porch and Patio: construction, replacement or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Pergola: construction, replacement or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Pool or hot tub: installation or replacementCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Fence: construction, replacement or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Fence: renovationCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Parking areas and driveway entrances: planning (includes renovation-resurfacing, drainage) or extensionCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Garden wall: construction, replacement, extension or renovationCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Septic intallation (standalone waste water treatment system): installation, renovation , extension, replacementCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Geothermal system: implantation, modification or replacementCertificate of authorizationApplication form
Excavation and fill operationCertificate of authorizationApplication form