Tree felling
Citizens must obtain a certificate of authorization to cut down a tree on their property. Authorization is only granted under very specific conditions and any tree cut down must be replaced if space allows. To obtain a certificate, please send your application form to
As well, tree pruning and trimming on private property requires a certificate of authorization and must be performed by a recognized arborist registered with the municipality of Senneville. A pruning or felling certificate costs $25 and is valid for three months. Beyond this duration, the certificate can be extended for an additional $12.50.
Moreover, a report from a professional may be requested if the residence is located on the eco-territory. Since zoning by-laws include a mandatory percentage of tree conservation, planting may be imposed to respect the prescribed tree cover.
Citizens who wish to take advantage of the planting program must submit a request to the Urban Planning Department. The municipality asks citizens to water the newly planted tree to reduce maintenance costs. As planting is regulated on the territory of Senneville, you must first consult the recommended tree guide. Note that it is prohibited to plant trees less than two (2) meters from a fire hydrant, a service entrance, electrical wires or lamp post located on public property.
Recommanded Tree Guide
The Village of Senneville has mandated the firm BBA to produce a recommended tree planting guide adapted to our territory. The guide is intended to help citizens choose the most appropriate trees to be planted on their property, whether during new construction, landscaping, or to replace a dead and felled tree due to the emerald ash borer.
Financial assistance program
The Municipal Council of the Village of Senneville adopted on December 14, 2020, by-law no. 485 relating to a financial assistance program for the replacement of a tree.
Any owner wishing to take advantage of this financial assistance must obtain a certificate of authorization for tree felling. The amount of financial assistance authorized for replacement work is equal to the cost paid for obtaining the certificate of authorization.
Construction and property improvements
Trees including the root system must be protected during construction. Protective fencing at least 1.2 metres in height must be installed around the tree and maintained during construction. If this is not possible, the trunk must be protected from physical damage by covering it with wood boards fastened with plastic or steel strips, and by placing at least 2 rubber strips between the boards and the trunk.
Tree hazards
Any tree located on private property, the condition of which in whole or in part is hazardous to public safety, shall be cut, trimmed, or removed within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice. Public Works shall not perform any work on private property unless a tree has fallen into the street.
Emerald Ash Borer
The emerald ash borer is present throughout the Senneville territory. Each year, the municipality therefore updates the inventory of public trees at the end of their life, such as ash trees affected by the emerald ash borer, in order to establish the planning of the arboricultural work required. A first phase of felling dead or dying ash trees was completed this spring 2021. A public tree condition update will take place in June 2021 to validate the condition of the trees and the felling prescriptions. If necessary, Senneville will carry out additional logging work in the fall of 2021 based on the recommendations of the forest engineer.
For ash trees on private land, the Village will have to work with the owners of a private land. Homeowners must complete the “Tree Cutting application form” form and send it to the municipal inspector.
To report a dead or dying tree on the City’s right-of-way
To obtain a permit to fell a dead or dying tree on a private land
The Village of Senneville respects the principles of valuation and recovery by shredding ash wood on site and transforming it into wood chips.
For free delivery of wood chips, please make a request via our interactive platform “Online request “
The village of Senneville is currently developing a planting plan to reforest some of the municipality’s land most affected by the emerald ash borer.
Financial assistance for the replacement of a tree
The municipality is proud to offer its citizens a financial assistance program for the rehabilitation of the environment in order to reduce the impacts due to the felling of trees and to maintain the canopy cover on the entire territory of the Village of Senneville.
To view the eligibility conditions for financial assistance
To obtain a financial assistance request for the replacement of a tree

May I cut the branches (or roots) of my neighbor’s tree that are a nuisance?
What happens if I cut the branches (or roots) of my neighbor’s tree without his/her permission?
What can I do if my neighbor refuses to cut the branches (or roots) of his/her tree that are damaging my property?
Can I force my neighbor to cut down his/her tree that risks falling on my property?
How far away from my house should my neighbor’s tree be?
What are my rights if the branches (or roots) of my neighbor’s tree damage my property?
The municipality does not get involved in such situations and/or civil cases. Therefore, to get answers to these and other questions, please consult A lawyer or notary will inform you on the rules applicable to your situation.
Resolving issues with neighbors and trees requires a delicate touch. Whenever possible, it is preferable and more practical to settle things amicably to maintain good neighbor relations.
Snags and senescent trees, especially large trees, are particularly important as they provide adequate habitat for a wide range of organisms.
For more information: Snags (French only)
Clearing medium-voltage lines

Trees near power lines are cleared on a regular basis. The schedule may change at any time without prior notice, according to weather- and other conditions.