Urban Planning By-Laws

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Urban Planning By-Laws

Urban planning by-laws of interest (non-exhaustive list, non-official documents)

On this page you will find a list of some of the the main urban planning by-laws in force in Senneville. This list does not include all the Village of Senneville by-laws: only those which have the most interest for the population.

Disclaimer: The texts presented in this section do not replace the Village of Senneville official texts. The municipality does not guarantee that they are complete or current at all times, although every effort is made to ensure their accuracy. The municipality assumes no responsibility for the differences that may exist between the official text and the texts appearing on this site.

Bylaw no°Title
439Planning advisory committee
440Minor derogations
443Buildings – occupation and maintenance
447Master plan
447 (Appendix 1)Master plan – Ecoterritory
447 (Appendix 2)Master plan – Land Use Designation
448 (Appendix 1)Zoning – Zoning Plan
448 (Appendix 2)Zoning – Schedule of Uses and Standards
448 (Appendix 3)Zoning – Senneville Forest Ecoterritory, Watercourses and Wetlands
450Construction (modified October 1st, 2015)
451Permits and certificates
452Site planning and architectural integration program
452 (appendix IV)Site planning and architectural integration program – Guide to architectural principles
497Demolition of immovables